Membership Application Click below to download a paper form to become a member of BCN Paper Application Name* Spouse Name* Street Address: * City* State* Zip Code* Phone (Home)* Phone (Cell)* Email* Birthday (month and day)* Are you a new member or former member?NewCurrentFormer Please indicate your interest in our activities (choose as many as you want);Blue Circle Mah JonggBook ClubBridge (luncheon)BuncoCanastaCard MakingCinema and ChatCode Names (online)Dining Around TownGolfHistory DiscussionsMah JonggMuseum MavensOut to Lunch BunchSamba (Similar to Canasta)TheaterTrailblazers If you are interested in leading or co-leading an Activity not listed above please contact Joan Cavanagh at 267-251-5272 or or Marianne Titus at 215-431-5127 or mariannetitus@gmail.comNOTE: some activities meet over the Summer, and some begin in the Fall. Some are currently meeting online and some in-person. For information, see BCN Newsletter and contact Activity Leader. Are you interested in serving as an Activity Leader, Board/Committee member, or volunteering your time to help either? (Are you interested in leading or co-leading a group related to Daytrippers, Gardening, Photography,Travel, Cooking, etc?Yes_____No_____Later_____Preference_____ Please tell us about your talents and skills (accounting, organizational, computer, etc): Please tell us how you heard about BCN: Membership dues are $40 for the period June 1 through May 31.Please forward your $40 check (payable to BCN) along with this form to:ELISABETH LEVINS 48 Northrup Court, Newtown, PA 18940Thank you! Any questions, please contact Vice President, Membership (below):Elisabeth Levins: 215-514-1726 Enid Cate: 215-595-6922 reCAPTCHASubmitReset [wpforms id=”1254″]